She relocated to Orlando a bit reluctantly
in her Senior year of high school. Then finished her senior year at Orlando
High School but went back to Pennsylvania just for her graduation to be with
her classmates.
Jane Married Mitchell Bert Brown on April
28, 1951. Then she began her career in Motherhood having four daughters
Lynda, Brenda, Michelle and Amy. Grandchildren: Stephen, Crecia, Maggie, Hannah
and Christopher. Great Grand Children Zoe and Brayden.
She worked when she was able as a mother,
for a doctor and for Orange County School system. She was a member of
First Baptist Church at the Cross. She was preceded in death by Mitchell Bert
Brown- Husband, Robert & Mildred Hewitt-Parents and David Hewitt-Brother.
Her Celebration of Life will be held on Friday, May 19, 2017 at Dobbs Funeral Home at 430 N. Kirkman Rd., Orlando, Florida
32811, (407) 578-7720. Viewing from 5:30 - 7:00 PM, Celebration of
Life Service at 7PM with Pastor Dexter Johnson officiating.
She is survived by her sister, Helen Joan Hewitt Willis.
I am sorry for your loss, please accept my sincere condolences. I hope the family will find some comfort and strength in Jesus promise of the earthly resurrection(Acts 24:15)and the renewed Paradise earth, where death will be no more and no family will mourn the death of a loved one.-Revelation 21:3,4;John 5:28,29;Luke 23:43. may GOD(Psalms 83:18)grant you peace and comfort now, during this grievous time.-Matthew 5:4.
My Aunt Joan Hewitt Willis from Leesburg Fl is the only living member from here immediate Hewitt family. My mom loved all of her kids from nieces and nephews to cousins and in laws! She could be a goofy person sometimes. Always loved family get together
My condolences to Lynda, Brenda, Michelle, and Amy for the loss of your Mom. Stephen, Crecia, Maggie, Hannah, Chris, Zoe, Brayden So So Sorry. Joan Willis, Prayers Prayers and more Prayers. My tears are numerous and I can only imagine yours.
So Sorry we couldn't keep her around forever.
I can think of some many beautiful memories with my Mom! Many people Would not understand them as being funny because it's a Mom/jJane thing! I would come home from work at night and find her in her bed playing her Nintendo PACMAN game eating her Twinkees or Reese Cups. She would say she was waiting fir me to get home! I knew better! She loved fiercely and gave so much of herself to everyone! She had 4 of the ornery daughters that had ever been born. Rebels at different times! She was the one who always loved us no matter what! When each of us married or spouses became her children also! Then came her grand babies and great grand babies along with nieces nephews cousin and in laws she may not have liked us sometimes but she always liked fed us! I will miss are many talks over the years! I know she is in a better place we all of her friends and family! She and my father will be happy together once again. They will have my son Joshua with them! Miss you and love you Mom!
I sill have some great memories of our Jane's and families all together for many years in Cocoa Beach. R.I.P. Dear Jane~
Lynn Von Waldner and Family
My grandmother was a strong force to be reckoned with. She loved fiercely and forever. I have so many great memories about her I could write a best selling book of Janeisms. It makes my heart warm to think about her with Grandpa and the McGee's playing cards and Mexican Dominos and eating endless amounts of chocolate.I can also imagine she will have so much more time in the day as she will not be looking for those pesky glasses anymore. I love you to the moon and back Grandma and I will miss you greatly
I was very sad to hear about Aunt Janes passing. I know she wasn't a true aunt, but she was always there and always part if the family. I had a wonderful visit a few weeks ago and am so glad I did. She showed me the birthday picture and I took a picture of it and made her tell me about everybody. She will be greatly missed. I let Barb and Dave know and David sends his condolences as well. Wish I could be there tonight.
At John 5:28, 29, Jesus said: “Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out.” This means that all the dead in Sheol, our loved ones included, will come back to life. Acts 24:15 reveals more about this grand event, stating: “There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” So even “the unrighteous,” many individuals who did not know and serve Jehovah, will get a future opportunity to gain God’s favor. Psalm 37:29 states: “The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it.” Just some comforting words.
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