Salima Capers is survived by her sisters Aswadah Winkler, Aisha Davis, Reyna
Zemel and Sharazade Abdul Quddus. She is also survived by her brother Hamza
Davis. 3 nieces, 3 nephews, Aunts, Uncles and countless cousins. Family meant
the world to her and as a good friend, you became part of her family.
She was a true trailblazer and always a woman of her word. Her journey to
becoming a better version of herself led her towards a discovery of life's true
mysteries. Her energy will truly be missed. We will continue to live in her
memory through our family and friends. We love you forever, until we meet
A Celebration of Life will be held on Sunday, April 3, 2016 from 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm, with the memorial service at 3:30 pm at Dobbs Funeral Home located at 430 N. Kirkman Road, Orlando FL 32811 with Pastor Thomas Hensley officiating. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Salima Capers please
call the funeral home at 407-578-7720. The service will be streamed.
I am sorry for your loss, please accept my sincere condolences. I hope the family will find some comfort and strength in Jesus promise of the earthly resurrection(Acts 24:15)and the renewed Paradise earth, where death will be no more and no family will mourn the death of a loved one.-Revelation 21:3,4;John 5:28,29;Luke 23:43. May GOD(Psalms 83:18)grant you peace and comfort now, during this grievous time.-Matthew 5:4.
A video for the beautiful Salmia from a song sung by her cousins. Please click the link to view. She truly will be missed:
A video for the beautiful Salmia from a song sung by her cousins. Please click the link to view. She truly will be missed:
I send a weekend with her and we had fun shopping and ate out. Had lots of fun just her and me. She had this movie call chocolaty French movie we watch it and laugh it was good. She said it remind her of me. It was about a lady that move to this small town and sold chocolate out of a store and it made everyone happy and loving each other and life. the town was dark and sad until she move in. that made me so happy to think she though of me that way. My heart hunt that she is gone but, my soul is happy because she were I am trying to get. I will see her again. will love her always.
Aunt Dee-Dee aka Deborah A. Capers-Carroll
I miss her so much and have so many great memories of her and I.
From her teaching me to tie my shoes to riding a bike.
she was always so much fun and made every moment funny and silly.
We would talk over messenger for hours and send silly links to youtub clips lol.
I could tell her everything and not worry about being judged.
Even with my own sickness and being in and out the hospital all year she sent flowers and was one of the only people I could talk to about my issues.
I will miss her and she can never be replaced.
-Dyani A. Greene
Dear all,
Wishing you all strength love, and support this weekend..(and onwards..).but also smiles, because her energy, humor, drive for adventure and experiences , and spark were so contagious...(and she was beautiful!!)
So many memories, happy, fun, crazy adventures.....
After 4 yrs of crazy workhours...2003 was the year to change jobs/ handover...so thankfully I made all this time to have to best summer ever...;)
She pulled me out of the stuffy office...and took off on adventures...and showed me how to be free ;))........most of the trips to Italy
So much to share...but will pick out just a bit (remembering all with a smile and a tear...)
Crazy nights in "rechts der isar", bar close to work, happening at that time, with cute waiters....we had our Stammsofa (stammtisch is german for your regular table), and it was basically Friends , but then on wine ;)
Including the time, that strangers tried to steal our spots on the couch!
Fun while she was learning german..".Ach Mann"... she took as Arschmann , very applicable to her fat naked neighbor , of which we had full view from her balcony....alot of cooking, wine and fun...
We went to the Garda lake in june, (after a bad breakup with a nordic (danish?) boyfriend), our car found a wicki the viking doll , while getting gas, and at the wine meetup in italy presented it to her, as her new voodoo doll ;))
Fun, wine, sun, sailing....sightseeing, more wine...speaking italian, and me trying tto catch up with it...
We developed our own "italian english", which is still part of my vocabulary, with hand movements and all...
For any break in a conversationsubject...." And so..."
On our (triplet) birthday..salima thought it would be perfect to visit her friends in padua...best with Si Viaggiare as music for the trip
One party after the next, trips on scooters, great food of course, swimming in the meditterean...
Much to not share.....but endless fun
Many happy returns , and craziness, making more friends as we went...
Being shouted at , at Oktoberfest ,for being "foreigners" in dirndl ;)) we fit right in..haha
Nights crashing at Terri's (conveniently in between the office and Rechts..), wine and brownies.....and Uno at Thanksgiving ;))
Toughest decision to move for a new job, and leave all behind, but thankfully was able to return several times..., and meetup in Italy!
Never out of touch, but different directions in life...
We decided though , sitting in an italian coffeeplace one sunday morning, that we (and other halves "playing jeu de boules"), we would meet at the village square (park bench, most likely in italy) and have a coffee/wine and discuss the day, every morning/afternoon,like two old yenta's, basically just like the old ladies we would see out there...
So for that promise, I will always keep her a spot and a drink.. ;)
And so......
Ciao bella, till we meet again..
Rest in peace,
The Salima I will remember is the funny, smiling, and generously giving of herself. The Salima that knew every lyric to every possile song and happily cheering with a glass of white wine in her hand.
Prost my friend, may your soul rest in peace.
Here is a little video : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2fSZxlBWFisSnhFUDhHOGFHNEk/view?usp=docslist_api
The value of "pipeline" - you thought me all about it, over and over again. We've spent hours, days, weeks just talking about "pipeline". I knew that was important to you and as a result to me. We had a fabulous time in Munich together, connected initially through GE. In fact I remember you in my very first job interview, sitting on the other side of the table ... asking questions in English, me responding in German. Somehow it worked! Years of close friendship, and unforgettable moments followed. We were big into dancing, cooking, eating, talking, watching movies, and talking and talking ... for hours. Life took us in different directions but the memories and values from our time together will forever remain in our hearts. And then again, the value of "pipeline" ... living among angels was on the list ... I will see you my dear friend there one day! I miss you! -Ewelina
One brisk early Spring day almost ten years ago I arrived in Munich on a family mission with one "counterfeit" fifty euro note to the the warm arms of an unlikely friend. Bestowed graciously upon me as most wonderful things in my life have been, by my mother. Salima welcomed me like family with open arms, lent me warmer clothing as I had come ill prepared and listened to me regale about my humdrum life in the States. Always the object of fascination and envy for me was this beautiful, accomplished creature living seemingly my dream. It was during this trip we discovered our mutual adoration for an old jazz band that cemented our bond. To you, my sweet Babylon sister, from here to eternity - shake it.
So many transformative life intersections, legendary celebrations when on top, collective retooling when down and connecting networks before being social included media.
We tore through Geneva, Munich, Italy and North Carolina. Most of it was Munich... and much requires state dependent memory.
As twisted up as I am inside I keep telling myself... "Don't cry becasue it's over... but smile as you think back on all that happened." So here are some personal reflections that make me smile... hope they do the same for you too.
I recall being introduced to the now broadly recognized "sharing economy" at Cohibar in Munich when Sali asked me if I liked the music. When I confirmed Sali said that she figured I would since it was mine. She was helping the DJ get started in his career and unkown to me my CD's she borrowed had been shared to create an atmosphere they we all enjoyed.
Sali and I had perfected weekend pack hunting with our fake couple technique. Melted the coldest of hotties and defends against the wierdest creeps Munich had to offer.
One Munich night is burnt in my brain when when a couple American Expat buddies were in from Budapest. It was snowing... late got early and we were all in a taxi headed home. Sali was the sweet in the meat sandwich in the back while I was trying to speak Turkish our annoyed driver. Salima's name was slurred into saliva and then one of the boyz gave her face a lick! The screams and laughter were so loud she was warned to stop but it didn't. The taxi stopped she was ejected into the snow bank and we rolled on. (The truth is hard and includes mistakes... please don't hate us.) The next morning I called to appologize but she beat me to the appology. She was sorry for interupting the crazy fun despite us pushing things a bit too far. Somehow that is where we were at our best... on the edge... sometimes we fell off but we always caught eachother.
When Sali was looking to join the GE turbine business in Florence she asked for some guidance. While I didn't want to loose her in Munich she was back on top and ready for change. So we worked out questions to ask when touring the factory, some basic industry stats and a few customer centric qestions. But the best was the scripted dinner conversation to close. "When it comes to turbines all you need to know is suck, squeeze, bang and blow." This summarized functional engineering insight landed her a job of in all places... Human Resources!
Sali... you lived more than others imagined. Your departure extinguishes a mortal light that is only understood by those who had the pleasure to bask in it. Somehow life experiences at pivotal milestones have engrained parts of your story into key facets of my own. May your soul find peace in the one light yet brighter than your own.-Nick Natale
I will miss our random 3-hour conversations and our FaceTime hangouts, in 3 languages (minimum!).
You kept telling me to come down to Barcelona and I kept postponing. Here is a reminder of this lesson that we never seem to learn: Tomorrow is not promised.
This picture was your last message to me, just a few days before you left, trying to convince me again to come down to Barcelona, using the "we'll go shopping" argument...I never got around to replying and I am mad...
I am mad because, what we think is important is NOT and, what we think will always be, isn't guaranteed.
I am mad because, I was supposed to teach you more French and give you a Paris do-over.
I'll see you on the other side Sali Capo — in Paris, France. -Vanessa
Sali, I look at you and you are as beautiful and bright as usual... but I read that you are not here anymore. I do not understand what happened to you and nobody is telling me. I keep on thinking about you. I remember the queue at the check in and the way we started talking and we became friends. I never thanked you enough for making me know the "the no.1 ladies' detective agency". I will miss you, Sali Capo — feeling sad. -Angela
i have no pictures, as we are travelling, and really no words. i do have very dear memories though: of you staying with us for several days as you prepared to start a new chapter of your life in barcelona. your soul connection with my dear friend Maria Leonor, so deep, as if you had known each other for centuries. fireworks at the palmengarten and you brandishing a light saber. you hosting us in milan and cooking awesome jimbalaya. us hosting you in sachsenhausen and helping you get through a difficult illness. wine. laughter. your spontaneous phone calls. meeting your sister Swa Winkler in rome. our last meeting in barcelona in your beautiful corner apartment and making liters of freshly squeezed orange juice. these are more than memories, they are landmarks of my life. our lives. how can it be that you are no longer living today? can you hear us? we love you. you will always be a part of us. you were so full of life. how could you not live on?-David Steele
Swa Winkler I only had the honor of hanging out with your sissy twice and I remember them fondly. I still see her dancing at one of the decades parties and at one of the many Moss Park Reserve house parties (perhaps your birthday party🙂). She always had a beautiful spirit which was so attractive about her.-Shannon
I know it is not my place to question. It is merely to pray and know that you have always been an angel among us. And now it is that you will always be with us in spirit. You have been a true inspiration in so many aspects to me, we were planning my visit to you to become more wild and free to travel with your sense of inspiration. I will forever love you. Until we meet again, some one I was always proud to call my friend.-Jennifer
A sadness came over me two days ago and yesterday during my Performance realized that two days exact my Sister, my Best friend, my Partner in crime Sali Capo has suddenly left the physical world but came into the spirit world and continues to grace us with her beautiful and vivacious presence. My dear friend you were way ahead of your time and only few really knew you. Thank you for being a true friend who never judged or imposed and who was always there and had my back.Thank You for being a sister, in your words "Your my Peeps". Never look back love cause you've lived a full exciting and adventurous life. R.I.P -Pierre
Dear Big Sister,
I wish I could laugh with you again. I wish I could have deep conversations with you again. I wish I could say I love you Lima and hear you say I love you too baby girl. I am sadden that you are gone now and I miss you dearly. I know that you are in good hands with our Creator which helps eases the pain. Rest in paradise Lima.
Love always,
Salima, This pic represents the moment where all of us siblings, separated by time and space, finally had the opportunity to connect and be a family. Although brief, this was one of the happiest days of my life. We never got to know as well as we could have. My heart is broken knowing that we will never have that chance. I hope wherever you are, you are at peace and I'll see you again on the next plane of existence 😥 💔 — Rayna
Dear Capers family. Thank you for sharing your family with me. Salima was a beautiful soul and leaves a legacy of genuine love, laughter, jokes and we are so saddened by the news. Know that our hearts go out you. And Father God we pray peace over the family during this time. We thank you that they are surrounded by family and friends who love them.-Zahide
I am stunned and saddened by this horrible news. I found this old picture from SF in happier times. We will all miss her greatly. My condolences to her family and friends in this difficult time. — Phil Chung
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaSPPrBpa0Q By David Steele
We loved having you visit us. Your smile was contagious and your spirit always welcoming.
Our hearts are heavy as we lift you up in prayer. SIP Sali Capo. -Roxcie
Goodbye Salima. May your soul be in peace next to our Creator. 😥-Marco
"Love and Light" re reading my messages from a dear friend. "Love and Light is how she would always end our chats..today I find out she passed. Sali Capo, you will be missed beyond word. Hamza Davis, chanel, Swa Winkler your entire family I send my deepest condolences. My heart aches for you all. I'm here..
Rest in Paradise Sali Capo.....love and light.
Hello Swa.
I don't have a video but just a series of pictures I found.
I've been working on a letter to your mom, I'll send it soon.
My heart will be with you, celebrating your sister's life.
A big hug to all your family from Amos and me, with Simone and Naomi.
Love Giorgia Sala
This poem was laid on my heart; so I had to put it writing for you...normally I'm sleep right now.!
For my sister flying up high;
We cherish the moments you graced our lives
So admired was the skin you lived within;
a life that most couldn't comprehend
The wings god gave you to explore the world;
Are loosed in heaven for you to explore
Sometimes in life your compelled to be bold;
It's Salima's Journey we'll always uphold
Fly my sister there's no imits any more;
For the heavens were created for you to soar
Buenos DÃas! It is a beautiful day, a day that Auntie Salima would love as her celebration of Life! A warm smile like she always had descends upon us all. I send my respects and my prayers are with you and the family. Blessings to everyone and may the memories of Auntie Salima last for eternity! I know it's how she would love to be remembered. Truly, one of the happiest Gal I have ever met. Bendiciones, y que La Paz de Cristó ande contigo. Love, Jeffrey
Dear Family,
I am so sorry I can't be there today with all of you. With all the travel and the challenges at work I had to take this decision.
But I am there with you with all my soul during these difficult days - especially today.
I was in this beautiful old chuch in eastbourne and lid this candle for salima and for you. And I wrote this prayer:
I know how endless the pain is...up to the point of desperation or numbness.
I know too that this can and will heal.
It heals with forgiveness. I forgive you and I forgive myself.
It heals with respect for death. Death is the great grandmaster who makes us all even. Bow your head in front of him and accept that we will never fully understand.
It heals with acceptance of the facts. You, salima, are dead. And I live a little longer. But till my days come I make something beautiful out of my life. A masterpiece.
It heals with love. In love we embrace each other, bless each other, are the shoulder to cry on for each other.
It heals with tears. As immeasurable as the sea of pain seems to be, it is our tears that make us whole again. Each tear we cry is a river that helps to bring the inner deserts to blossom again.
It heals with blessing the dead. Accepting her decision. Letting her go in peace.
It heals with embracing life. We honour the dead through treasuring every moment that is granted to us.
In the many family constellations I have done one thing became totally clear:
The dead never hold a grudge. They always, without exception, are at peace. All complains are silent. All pain is gone.
The dead always bless the living. Their heart is full of wanting the best for the living.
The dead always forgive. All rage, all anger, all fears are gone. Whatever happened the dead let it be at peace. They always let go. And so should we. Forgive and let go.
We honour the dead by embracing life - and each other.
May you all be blessed.
Thank you so much for streaming and sharing!
Missing her so much!
Claudia from Germany
My Dear Salima,
When I see your pictures I am blessed to think about all the wonderful moments we shared during our friendship over the years. You were a guardian angel when I moved to Germany that inspired and supported me during an important period of my life. You were so generous with your love, friends, family and spirit.
I am grateful for our friendship and for all the beautiful things that have been born out of it, which will comfort me as I slowly accept the reality that you are no longer with us here on earth. However, I know that you have found peace and tranquility and that your are smiling down on us and will always be with us.
Thank you, dear Salima, thank you for being a part of my life
Love and light,
“[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more.”—REV. 21:4. This is what God promises. Very soon, here on earth, it will come true.
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