Robert is survived by and leaves to cherish his memory parents, Teresa and Ron Giles of Ocoee; daughter Nevaeh Lawrence of Alabama; two sons Rickey Zaney and Joseph Lawrence both of Alabama; two brothers, Dean Robbins, Jr., of Micco, FL, Christopher J. McDonald of Leesburg, FL; two step sisters Rebecca Giles of Georgia; Elizabeth Wallace of Florida; step brother Brady Giles of Chiefland, FL; grandmother Mary E. Lawrence of Micco, FL; 1 grandchild; 1 great-grandchild; nephew Justin Robbins of Alabama and numerous cousins.
The family will be receiving friends at Dobbs Funeral Home from 1:30 until 2:30 pm on Monday, January 5th, 2015, followed by the funeral service with Pastor Michael Ford officiating at 2:30 pm. Interment will be at Lake Hill Cemetery.
I am sorry for your loss please accept my sincere condolences. I hope you will find your strength and comfort in Jesus promises of the earthly resurrection(:Acts 24:15) and the renewed Paradise earth, where death will be no more and no family will have to mourn the death of a loved ever again. Revelation 21:3,4; Luke 23:43. May GOD(Psalms 83:18) grant you peace and comfort now during this grievous time.-Matthew 5:4.
Dear family of Robert Lawrence,
I grieve and morn your loss with you. I did not have the pleasure of knowing Robert personally though I have known many good Americans whom have stood on solid Constitutional principals as it seems Robert did.
It sounds as Robert honored himself, his country and the Constitution by simply standing upon principals many have forgotten. Doing so should not have cost him his life, a threat of imprisonment, nor even a verbal warning. God bless you Robert.
A loss of life initiated by one exercising their free will, as moved by their conscience as Robert was, to stand on principals upon which this country was founded should be honored and respected.
For a life to be extinguished because one does not provide a government issued or sanctioned ID is totally inexcusable, is actionable, and keeps us all at risk.
Blessings and prays to each of you. We hope proper justice for his death is swift. That justice sends a message and example so his life is not lost in vain, but rather further secures the right, liberty and duty of free-will to self-govern ones self as it seems Robert tried to do and possibly served proper notice to statutory authorities such fact in law.
Whom among those involved took proper constructive, judicial and/or legal notice of Roberts rights, liberties as expressed by him? Whom among those involved took proper action within their limited constraints to hasten others not to escalate a peaceful, non-threatening act of simply turning in a cat to an animal shelter? Please excuse in this time of sorrow, but why did no one simply allow Robert to leave with or without the cat?
We wish there were tens of thousands to be of support and comfort at the services. Please consider such is the case in spirit.
Most respectfully, with condolences, prayers and love for Robert, Roberts family, his country and its Constitution.
You will be loved and missed a bunch CUZ !!!!! Rest in peace your work here is done !!!!!! I still can't believe your gone , I wished I would have not told you that the dog was killing the cats and Tried to bit one of the kids . My heart breaks for the kids who will never no how much you loved them and will grow up without a father. They will be told that your life was taken for us all . I LOVE YOU
If you live by the sword, expect to die by the sword. Greed will always loose.
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